Monday, December 7, 2009

Sample Sale Ericson Beamon

The sample sale is located on 263 11th Ave, 3rd flr btw W 27th and W 28th streets.
Goodluck and bring me back sumthin!

Taylor Swift Haute in T Magazine

Check out our Girl looking as fabulous and Haute as ever.

New Victoria Secret Gloss


Victoria Secret will be introducing this new line of 80's inspired glosses that boom and shine in bright colors and charming graphics. The line is called Popmistic and looks really tweeny to mee. The line hits stores in January and glosses are around $7.

Lohan does Muse Cover

Lindsay Lohan is featured in the newet cover of Muse and eigthteen pages. All photos were shot by photographer Yu tsai and in these photos Lindsay is capturing the events of the Kate Moss Johnny Depp relationship of the 90's. Model Petey Wright is suppose to represent Depp and Lindsay is of course Moss. Judging by the photos Depp and Moss have alot of explaining to do..just what went on in the relatonship?

Vena Cava Does Converse for (RED)

Check em out and more at the converse website.